Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quiet Times

     When our chilren were young and at home with us, I found my best time for a quiet time was later in the day. However, since the kids left home, I've been able to have my qt first thing in the mornings, as Johnny does. Cookie quickly learned our routine. Now she hurries Johnny to his chair and tries to jump into his lap before he's even seated. If Johnny is already finished with his qt by the time Cookie gets to stirring around, she joins me for my qt.
     Johnny and I were talking.... this is how we should be. ....can't wait to get started on our one-on-one time with God;  ...trying to jump into His lap as fast as we can! Ahhhh, that we would be like that everyday.

Monday, April 25, 2011

He's Alive!

It's the Monday after Easter, and guess what? HE'S STILL ALIVE! Yes, we have celebrated that Jesus Christ didn't stay dead. Some years ago we lived in a country where the people were afraid to travel on the Saturday after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday. Their explanation: Jesus died on the cross on Friday. He is dead until Sunday. If we travel and have an accident on Saturday and die, what will happen to us? We would have no hope.  So these people would stay at home on that day.
     How sad. Jesus died, once for all. But He is alive! Today and every day. There is now victory over death, for those who believe in Him.
Every Sunday, we remember His resurrection.
Happy Easter, yesterday and every day!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Now What?

      Is it retired (as in tired all over again), retreaded (as in getting ready to go again), or as some have suggested, retarded! We may fit all of those, but we're going to go for "RETREADED". Yes, we're not one yet. There is more out there. As for Kingdom Work, we never retire.
     Why is it that we have the picture of old people sitting in rockers on a porch when we think of retirement? Or am I the only one who thinks that these days? We spent 36 years overseas with busy and exciting lives, raising our family in a small Indonesian town. And then moving and living in several other Asian countries. When retirement time came, it was a big change in lifestyle. But we were ready for it, feeling it was time.
     So why did I have such trouble adjusting? (Johnny didn't seem to have this problem). I'm thinking I was way too self-centered and self-focused to allow myself a smooth transition. We've been retired 3 years now, and I'm learning a few things for next if I'll be retiring again sometime in this lifetime. So for my own benefit if not for anyone else's, I'm going to start listing some lessons I've been learning at this stage of life.
     1. When one first moves into one's new location, one may feel lonesome, not know anyone and feel useless, as opposed to their busy life of responsibilities before retirement. But remember this: you are not the only one who is new and needing to make new friends. Many people our ages (besides you) are moving to new areas and making new friends and finding their way. Lighten up. Explore. Enjoy your new surroundings. Get involved and you will soon have friends and a busy life.
     More thoughts later.....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Introducing Cookie and Sugar

          It is time to introduce you to Cookie and Sugar. We adopted Cookie from an organization that rescues dogs. She was found on the streets in Longview after one of the hurricanes. She was wandering around and some kids were throwing mud at her. Thankfully, an employee of a local pet store saw this and picked her up and took her home. We were introduced to Partners for Pets who took care of all Cookie's  medical bills (shots and being spayed) while this good Samaritan fostered little Cookie. With the adoption complete we brought her home. She has brought us many hours of laughter and enjoyment. She's also taught us many things. We'll be sharing more about her as time goes on.
     On the other hand, Sugar the cat, adopted us. He was apparantly abandoned and had been hanging around our little house in the woods. We kept noticing him, calling to him, talking to him. But he remained leary of us, having fended for himself for quite some time. Occassionally we'd put out food to let him know we were good people! One day, while sitting on our deck and talking to one of our daughters on the phone, he boldly walked straight up to me meowing, and wanting to be petted,and I was eager to do. From that day on, we became his people. This cat has also patiently taught us things and brought us lots of intertainment along the way. As we share about these two, it will be called Sugar Cookies. Check it out in "It's not all nonsense".

Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Summary

     Sadly, it came time to pack up and head back home to Texas. What a month this has been. We couldn't include every meaningful event here, but let us share a few things as a very brief summary of our wonderful trip to Indonesia and our visit with our daughter, Jana, and Kris and the boys (Aaron, Seth, and Joel).

Kelleys pick us up at the airport!
Family games
Enjoying the beautiful countryside

Our old home place... and the people who live there now.

Visiting the village churches we planted 35 years ago.

Remembering the city traffic!
Visiting the Angklung factory and hearing their amazing performances.
Fun around the house.

More fun around the house.

Shopping together at the really nice malls in Bandung.

And one last family picture together!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

All about Strings

Papa speaks in chapel
     Johnny is known as Papa to our Grandkids, but he is known to the outside world as String Man. That is because he can do many string tricks and paper tricks, teaching spiritual truths along the way. If he is in a "touchy" area where we can't speak openly about Christ, he adapts these stories to basic life choices everyone can benefit from. While visiting with our kids in Bandung, Indonesia, String Man was invited to BAIS, our grandsons' school, to perform/teach. He amazed the masses!

Papa in Seth's 5th grade class

       Papa in Joel's 3rd grade class 

Papa in Aaron's 7th grade class.

      And Papa, aka String Man, taught the Grandsons one-on-one how to do the tricks and tell the accompanying stories. They are his little disciples. These are great tools to use with kids and adults alike and the opening to share the Gospel. Johnny has used this method in at least 8 countries, including the USA. Our public library at home uses him regularly.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Eating Indonesian Food

    One of our favorite things to do anywhere is eat Indonesian food. So you can imagine how much fun we've been having while in Indonesia. Today we enjoyed a classic Indonesian meal, cooked by Jana's helper. With white rice as the foudation, we add the chicken saute, gado-gado (vegetables), and pour peanut sauce over the whole thing. It is yummy. I don't know anyone who doesn't like this meal!