Dad and the missions pastor of our church in Texas traveled to INDONESIA to see how our church can help in what is going on there.
Here is the K's new home!
The local hand carving and furniture factory.
A busy street.

The K family goes to the modern mall!
One of the local mosques.
On a trip up the river.
Kris and a colleague strole in a village.
Papa tells the Grands a story. (See their new beds?)
And then (all too quickly) Dad and Joe pack up and head to INDIA.
Here they meet with Srinivas and his family in Dad's hotel room.
Busy India street.
They visit the villages. Here Dad is preaching, Srinivas is interpreting, and Joe is observing.
They visit the large village school that Srinivas has built and started. Our church is helping in the ministry. All the teachers are believers and this is such a wonderful opportunity to share the Good News with people who would not hear it otherwise.
All students commute from several villages. But the pastors' children all board here. Here Dad teaches those children to do string tricks. Srinivas watches.
It was a fast trip. But a good trip. A lot was done in a short time. We are thankful to be a part of a stateside church that is active in missions, both at home and abroad.