Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Two blogs back I wrote about cutting a tree down in our front
yard. It was called "Let there Be Light". Well that was the first of
the story. Now we have the rest of the story:
Once that big tree was cut down, we knew
what we wanted to do with the tree stump.
Here Johnny is cutting it into a chair shape.

It's finally the shape we wanted, so Johnny sanded it and
put a finish on it to protect it from the weather.
It turns out to be a handy place to sit,
(that's our granddaughter, Kayla, with her dog),

or rest after a family game of Four-Square,
(that's our daughter, April, on a visit from Kansas),
and a natural stop on the way to get a drink after shooting hoops.
(That's Elliott, our grandson).
And it's a great place to gather for photos
(that's us with our granddaughters). 
Now we have more sunshine in our front yard and may be able
to grow some grass instead of moss,
and we also have an "interesting" chair
inviting anyone to stop and sit a spell.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


What a thrill it is to celebrate Christ's defeat over death and Satan.
We will join with other believers in worship and celebration at our church,
as you are doing.
We're having family and friends over for Easter dinner together
after church.
This year I wanted to do something around the table to further
the celebration.
I've heard about the Resurrection Eggs and know that
others in the family have used these.
But I had never used them,
so determined to put together a set to use this year.
First, I typed up the verses to be used.
Then I cut them apart to be put in each egg.
Then I gathered the items to be put into each egg along with its corresponding verse.
Here I've put the item in the egg and am placing the verse with it.
All done and in the basket. Each egg is numbered so it will be opened in
the correct order to tell the story of the crucifixion and resurrection.
Have a blessed Easter from our family to yours.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It is from the cactus family.
It is called a NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS and will bloom
only one night in the year. You had better hang around when a bud looks
ready to open.
The first time we ever saw one was in Indonesia when a friend introduced
us to this very unusual plant.
We took great care with the plant and stayed up till midnight,
an unusual event in our little Indonesian village.
But it was worth it! It blossomed forth and emitted a beautiful,
sweet fragrance. By morning, the large, white flower had wilted.
This is only a memory to us now.
I thought this to be a tropical flower that only bloomed in
hidden areas of a tropical forest.
But, lo and behold, friends here in East Texas, shared one of
these same plants with us. They let us keep one all through its
blooming period.
The long flat leaves were loaded with blooms. Here is what it looks like.

And now it begins to open up.

It's nearly there!

And it was worth the wait.
Apparently, these versions of the Cereus do well here in East Texas.
The blooms lasted longer, more than one night.
The plant we had  had many, many
buds and blooms on it for us to enjoy.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


We hated to do it, but we had to remove a tree from our front yard.
We couldn't get grass to grow because there was so little sunshine and
lots of shade. We grew moss instead.
It is expensive to hire professionals to do this, so Johnny and Johnathan
and friend Paul worked together to accomplish the task.
Not that I didn't have every confidence in these men,
but I left home while the deed was done!
But I've managed to get pictures:
The men gather with various tools to begin the task.

The tree comes down, a perfect landing,
missing house, flower beds, mailbox!

With the help of the truck to guide its fall.


Johnathan saws up the tree and carts it away to sell as fire wood.

Johnny cleans up the chips and sawdust (with Cookie's help).

Yes, we meant to keep this stump.
We have a plan!!
Stay tuned for part 2 of "The Tree".

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Yes, yes! Thanksgiving has long since passed! I know I am way behind the times.
That was partly do to technical problems, and partly due to procrastination.
But hopefully, I've moved passed that and this blog will be up and running again.
Both Thanksgiving and Christmas have passed us by.
So let me catch us up a bit:
 This year Johnny and I went to Preston, England for a mission trip together, where our church is helping to plant a new church. It was an eye-opening experience for us.
We are used to planting churches in the Asian culture, so we learned a lot.
Former members of our church here in Longview, Texas, are from that area. They had lived in the States for many years, until the Lord pressed on them to return to their "roots" and plant an evangelical church.
So this is what we did most days while there.... dropped flyers in everyone's mail slots to tell them about a fun event the new church was sponsoring at the nearby park.
At the park we had all kinds of activities. Here is Johnny at the face-painting table.

Because we were in Preston during the American Thanksgiving season, the Greens with whom we were visiting, made sure we enjoyed a real traditional American Thanksgiving meal, complete with turkey and dressing, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. It was a great time to be reminded of all the God has done for us.

I find when my attitude is mainly one of just being thankful for what I have and what I'm able to do, I don't spend so much time complaining about life or supposed injustices.
Jason and Nicola Green and their four children.