At his time in my life (that is: retirement) I can pick and choose what I will do more than at any other time in my life. I have more time now, to join in group Bible studies, offered by my church and other churches around town. Or I may do my own thing. But one thing I know, I must be in some sort of Bible study
I find that I need a structured way to study the Bible. I want something more than just reading my Sunday School quarterly. Sometimes, I like to track down a specific topic that I have been mulling around in my mind and so end up doing a sort of independent study. But, if this is my only way of studying the Bible, I've learned I stay within a much narrower channel and fail to broaden my thinking or challenge my ideas. I seem to just stay within my own comfortable realm. This stunts my growth, I've decided.

Therefore, I've been enjoying studying from this website:
So far I have studied The Names of God, The Psalms, and am now finishing up John's Epistles. Once signed up, the lessons (usually 9-12 pages) are sent via e-mail weekly. It's all free and the sign-up is simple. I print these out and collect them into notebooks. There is a variety of Bible studies offered, character studies, book studies, topical studies. Each lesson comes with footnotes, art, questions to be answered, and often spiritual songs and hymns that connect with the subject of study, etc. I like this method because I can go at my own pace. I don't have to finish within the week. As a result, my studies go far deeper, I have a better understanding, and am able to discover the Greek or Hebrew words and meanings used in the original texts. And I'm collecting a great resource for teaching or further study.

Therefore, I've been enjoying studying from this website:
So far I have studied The Names of God, The Psalms, and am now finishing up John's Epistles. Once signed up, the lessons (usually 9-12 pages) are sent via e-mail weekly. It's all free and the sign-up is simple. I print these out and collect them into notebooks. There is a variety of Bible studies offered, character studies, book studies, topical studies. Each lesson comes with footnotes, art, questions to be answered, and often spiritual songs and hymns that connect with the subject of study, etc. I like this method because I can go at my own pace. I don't have to finish within the week. As a result, my studies go far deeper, I have a better understanding, and am able to discover the Greek or Hebrew words and meanings used in the original texts. And I'm collecting a great resource for teaching or further study.
So organized! I'm slooowly getting through James, but really enjoying it as our pastor is also sloooowly preaching through James!