How precious that wet stuff is! And how I took it for granted. It's a lot of work to keep our lawns semi-green and our plants from drooping. When God takes care of it, it is so much easier!
But we have seen precious little moisture in Texas this summer.
Rain has come sporatically,to east Texas! Texas has been in a terrible drought for a long time. The other day, we woke up to rain failling. We had forgotten what that was like. When it comes, it is wonderful! Thank you, Lord.
As a result of the prolonged dry season, there have been many wildfires and fear of more. I was shocked when I saw this map the other evening on the weather report:
Over July 4th, many counties had cook-out bans as well as bans on using firecrackers. You can see northeast Texas is in the best situation. Even so, Longview has seen very little rainfall this season.
Glad you all finally got some much needed rain!