Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Two blogs back I wrote about cutting a tree down in our front
yard. It was called "Let there Be Light". Well that was the first of
the story. Now we have the rest of the story:
Once that big tree was cut down, we knew
what we wanted to do with the tree stump.
Here Johnny is cutting it into a chair shape.

It's finally the shape we wanted, so Johnny sanded it and
put a finish on it to protect it from the weather.
It turns out to be a handy place to sit,
(that's our granddaughter, Kayla, with her dog),

or rest after a family game of Four-Square,
(that's our daughter, April, on a visit from Kansas),
and a natural stop on the way to get a drink after shooting hoops.
(That's Elliott, our grandson).
And it's a great place to gather for photos
(that's us with our granddaughters). 
Now we have more sunshine in our front yard and may be able
to grow some grass instead of moss,
and we also have an "interesting" chair
inviting anyone to stop and sit a spell.