Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tai Chi

While living in Asia, I observed many older people (and some young ones, too)
gathering and doing an interesting series of exercises.
At the park near our home in Chaing Mai, Thailand, a group gathered in the late
afternoons. But they all seemed to already know the moves and I felt I couldn't join them until I knew what I was doing.
And then our gym here in Longview began offering Beginner Tai Chi.
Just what I was looking for.
I go once a week. I'm just learning. But already I'm getting the hang of it.
I've learned it is a discipline of control, posture, breathing.
It works in a different way on my body than the Silver Sneakers cardio class
I attend. In fact, my new Tai Chi teacher is in my cardio class.
If you'd like to read up on it, you might be interested in looking at


  1. Great Mom!! You will have to teach me when you come this summer!

  2. Well...........I'm still trying to learn it. But it is fun and a challenge.
